Page:Low Life (Roche).pdf/31

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'im marry two. It'd tike two to keep 'im the w'y 'e'd like to be kept, with his collars and ties and shiving soap and all.

Linton.—Mrs. Benn, why did you not tell me that my collar and tie offended you? I would have left them off and let my beard grow if it would have pleased you. But you misunderstand me. I didn't come back here to-night to ask you to take me in again but simply to thank you for all you have done for me—last night you were too much upset to take things rationally. I wanted, also, to ask you for a few old newspapers. Mr. McFee, at the corner, is letting me sleep in his empty garage, but the cement floor seems pretty cool and damp. I thought if you had a few old newspapers, or maybe a bit of worn-out quilt—
Benn.—Think of that, Lizzie. A cold, damp floor after a good warm bed