Page:Low Life (Roche).pdf/34

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Linton.—Ah, yes, I see. I'm to spread the papers on the floor to keep in the damp and cold.
Mrs. Benn.—Nonsense. To keep the damp and cold out. Out not in.
Linton.—Oh, yes. Out not in.
Benn.—The question is will they do it?
Mrs. Benn.—O' course, they'll do it. Arctic explorers uses piper to keep out the cold. There ain't nothink better.
Linton.—Oh, I'm sure you wouldn't give them to me, Mrs. Benn, if they weren't nice and warm.
Mrs. Benn (hurriedly).—Now, you spread down the quilt, doubled so, then you l'ys yourself on the under 'alf, and draws the hupper 'alf over you, see?
Linton (leaning forward).—Just how was that, Mrs. Benn? I don't seem to grasp your meaning.
Mrs. Benn.—Lord! The man's no more fit to look after 'isself than a biby. (She proceeds with exasperation.) You see them newspipers don't yer?