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Benn.—A strong influence at work, she said.
(Linton rises from his knees, and stands draped against the door frame, wearing a somewhat remote, aloof expression.)
Benn.—Teacher said—"You 'ave reason to be proud of your daughter, Mr. Benn. She has the manners of a patrician. I can't teach 'er nothink."
Mrs. Benn (astounded). She said that about our Gladys?
Benn.—About our Gladys.
Linton (mildly).—I did what I could.
Benn.—And you should have 'eard 'im, Lizzie, when I was a tying of Gladyses 'air ribbon. 'E'd just stepped in for 'is overcoat. "Now," 'e says, "mind your manners, you young limb. None o' your coarse Canadian w'ys of speakin'. S'y—"Yes, teacher," prettily, not "yeh" or "huh-huh". And "teacher," mind, with the last syllable