Page:Lucian (IA lucianlucas00collrich).pdf/102

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like Aristophanes, he uses well-known names from time to time for the persons of his drama, anything like what we call personality was probably far from his thoughts. "Lucian," says Ranke, "spoke after the manner of ancient comedy,—things true, not of this or that individual, but of bodies, of communities, of society in general."

With this reservation the reader will perhaps judge more fairly the broad farce—for this is what it really is—of the Dialogue which follows.


Scene, a Slave-mart; Jupiter, Mercury, Philosophers in the garb of slaves for sale; audience of Buyers.

Jupiter. Now, you arrange the benches, and get the place ready for the company. You bring out the goods, and set them in a row; but trim them up a little first, and make them look their best, to attract as many customers as possible. You, Mercury, must put up the lots, and bid all comers welcome to the sale.—Gentlemen, we are here going to offer you philosophical systems of all kinds, and of the most varied and ingenious description. If any gentleman happens to be short of ready money, he can give his security for the amount, and pay next year.

Mercury (to Jupiter). There are a great many come; so we had best begin at once, and not keep them waiting.