Page:Lucian (IA lucianlucas00collrich).pdf/62

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wallet and staff into the lake; my coat, luckily, I didn't bring with me.

Merc. Get in, Menippus—you're a capital fellow. Take the best seat there, in the stern-sheets, next the steersman, and watch who gets on board.—Now, who's this fine gentleman?

Charmolaus. I'm Charmolaus of Megara—a general favourite. Many a lady would give fifty guineas for a kiss from me.

Merc. You'll have to leave your pretty face, and those valuable lips, and your long curls and smooth skin behind you, that's all. Ah! now you'll do—you're all right and tight now: get in.—But you, sir, there, in the purple and the diadem,—who are you?

Lampichus. Lampichus, king of Gelo.

Merc. And what d'ye mean by coming here with all that trumpery?

Lamp. How? Would it be seemly for a king to come here unrobed?

Merc. Well, for a king, perhaps not—but for a dead man, certainly. So put it all off.

Lamp. There—I've thrown my riches away.

Merc. Yes—and throw away your pride too, and your contempt for other people. You'll infallibly swamp the boat if you bring all that in.

Lamp. Just let me keep my diadem and mantle.

Merc. Impossible—off with them too.

Lamp. Well—anything more? because I've thrown them all off, as you see.

Merc. Your cruelty—and your folly—and your insolence—and bad temper—off with them all!