Page:Luckie plou'-boy.pdf/3

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The first man that she met,
Was a jolly sailor bold,
Have you seen my pretty plough-boy she cry’d,
He’s just gone through the deep,
And he’s sailing for the fleet,
And he said my pretty maid will you ride?

She step’d into the boat,
And he row’d her to the ship,
She then to the Captain did complain,
She says I'm come to search
For my own true love,
He’s just gone to the wars to be slain.

Five hundred bright guineas
She then pulled out,
She laid them all down on the floor,
She took her pretty plough-boy
All into her arms,
And she row’d him till she got him safe on shore.

When they came to dry land,
Where they firm did stand,
In the meadows where they had been before,
So sweet as she did sing,
She made the bells to ring.
When she-had met with the lad she ador’d.

How happy is the day
When true lovers do meet,
When their sorrows and troubles are o’er !
For it’s this cursed war,
Has ta’en many lads afar,
Their true loves can’t see them any more.