Page:Luckie plou'-boy.pdf/5

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His darling hoard the miler views,
misses from friends decamp,
And many a statesman mischief brews
to his country o’er his lamp;
So father and I, d'ye take me right,
are just on the same lay,
I bare-fac’d sinners light by night,
and he false faints by day,
So father and I, d'ye take me right, &c.

VIRTUE and WIT, the Preservatives



COnfess thy love, fair blushing maid,
for since thine eye’s consenting,
Thy faster thoughts are a' betray’d,
and na-says no worth tenting.

Why aims thou to oppose thy mind,
with words thy wish denying;
Since Nature made thee to be kind,
reason allows complying.

Nature and Reason’s joint consent,
make love a sacred blessing,
Then happily that time is spent,
that’s war’d on kind caressing.

Come then my Katie to my arms,
I’ll be nae mair a rover;
But find out heav’n in a’ thy charms,
and prove a faithful lover.