Page:Luckie plou'-boy.pdf/7

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( 7 )

When I travelled to Newry,
Where I fell a courting,
A courting a girl for a wife of-my own,
But when l came to her,
She would not endure me,
She told me l was married in the county of Tyrone.

Then l staid a whole season,
At the cotton weaving,
Still thinking my true love would alter her tone,
But with quick apprehension,
She quickly made mention,
Where’s your character from the county of Tyrone.

For my character,
You need ne’er mind it,
I never was married, or promis’d to none,
Then she swore by her conscience,
She would run all chances,
And travel with me to the county of Tyrone.

Then early next morning,
The sun was adorning,
We travell’d from Killwight by the 3 mile stone,
The guard they pursu’d us,
But never could view us,
I wish’d from my heart I had my love in Tyrone.

As we were a walking,
And lovingly talking,
We met an old man was walking alone ;
He told them he met us,
And where they would get us,
And that we were talking of the county of Tyrone.