Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/113

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of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost Amen. We command all those under us, of whatever Province, Con- gregation, title, dignity or office,* to help and advise you in this matter, and not only this, but on their duty of obedience and under pain of excommimication, for which, though unwillingly, in this letter we give such persons the triple warn- ing commanded by the Canon Law, that they should obey and serve you as they would ourself. Know that in this matter you will not only do a great favor to us and to our profession, but will also put under a great obligation our Supreme Lord Leo X., who of his own accord offers to pay you amply for it Know also that if you accomplish this, no one in the order will in future be dearer to us than you; by this one service you will win for yourself more benefits, honors and dignities than you could in all the rest of your life. Proceed, therefore; look to God, the inspirer of holy works, that men may recog- ' nize in you a man whose mind and heart are fit to do great deeds. The whole order will praise you for this, and we shall always be in your debt Hereafter, our profession will always consider you as the renewer of the honor of our order and the zealous supporter of the Holy Roman Church. The thing is too important to admit delay ; therefore we command you to spare no labor, to refuse no expense to get this heretic into the hands of the Supreme Pontiff. We also command you to write to us as often and as fully and as quickly as possible, whenever you have any news in this business. You will be paid to the uttermost farthing. Farewell.


Enders, i. 218. Wittenberg, August 28, 1518.

This letter, dated "sabbatho octavae Assumptionis D. Mariae/' or "Saturday week after the Assumption of Mary" (August 15), is put by Enders on August 21. The wording is doubtful, but the letter seems, from other reasons, to have been written a week later, t. ^., August 28. C/. Zeitschrift fur Kirchengeschichte, xvii. 167, note 2, and Luther s IVerke, ed. Clemen, i. 15.

Greeting. The messenger I sent to the Illustrious Elector

iThif was intended particularly for Staupitz, who lympatliized with Lnther, and had failed to make him recant at the General Chapter held at Heidelberg in May, although he had been instructed to do so by Volta.

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