Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/13

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published, at my command, I have naturally been able to supplement and improve upon the work of the German editor. I have even been able to add several letters by and to Luther which escaped him.

I am proud to acknowledge the personal assistance of several distinguished scholars. The Rev. Professor Gustav Kawerau (Oberkonsistorialrat and Probst), of Berlin, has obligingly answered several questions I have put to him. Professor Gilbert Murray, LL. D., of Oxford, and Professor H. DeForrest Smith, of Amherst, have aided me in the restoration and construction of a Greek letter of Melanchthon. Professor Stanley L. Galpin, of Amherst, has interpreted for me one Spanish letter. Professor Clarence W. Eastman, of Amherst, has occasionally given me the benefit of his studies in early new high German. My wife and Miss Helen Alice Hocheimer have read large portions of the proof. In thanking these friends for such specific services, I am but expressing my obligations for the least part of what I owe them.

P. S.

Amherst, Massachusetts, March 4, 1913.