Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/18

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Hecker, G., 75.

Hedio, C, 308, 365.

Hegendorfinus, C, 356.

Heilingen, see Geyling.

Hclt. C (103).

Hennigk, J. (115).

Hennigk, M. (iis).

Henriquez, F., 443.

Hcrholt, J. (151).

Herkmann, J., 433.

Hermannsgriin, L. v. (436).

Hess, John (of Breslau), (186), 197, 249, 250, 265, 267, 282, 402.

Hess, John (of Wittenberg), (200).

Hesse, Philip Landgrave of, 461.

Hildesheim, John, Bishop of (425}.

Himmel, A. (39).

Hirschfeld, B. v. (449)-

Hispanus, see Johannes.

Hochstraten, J., 165.

Hugwald, M. (432).

Hugwald, U. (432).

Hummelberg, M., 214, 415, 433.

Hump, H., 236. I

Hutten, U. v., 189, 218. 232, 285, 291, 296, 336. 340, 354. Z7^ 403, 43©. 450,

451, 457. 470, 472. Hutter, C. (i). Isolani, I., 199. Jacobacci, D. (253). James, an organist (161). Jessen, F. v. (359). Jessen, S. v. (359)- Joachim of Flora (83). Johannes, a Spanish Augustinian (253). Jonas. J. (140), 24S» 45i, 477- Kammerer, J. (183). Kirschberg, H. v. (404). Konig, C. (230). Kotter, J., 317. Kunzelt, G., 27a Lang, J., 5, 9, 10, 14, 16, 18, 20, 30, 37,39, 43» 49, 5i, 81, 87, 140, 156, I57. isi

166, 170, 17s, 197, 207, 220, 240, 259, 272, 286. 343, 411. 417. 431. Langenmantel, C. (85), 99. Lantschad, J., 320. Latomus, J. (213), 370. Lefevre d'fitaples, J. (21). Lehnin, Valentine, Abbot of (50). Lciffer. G. (3), 12.

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