Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/187

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143. LUTHER TO DUKE GEORGE OF SAXONY. Enders, ii. 17. De Wette-Seidemann, vi. 15. German.

WiTTENBESG, April 28, I519.

My poor prayer and endeavor be always at your Grace's humble service. High-bom, serene Prince, gracious Lord! I have received your Grace's letter and kind answer, and have communicated your Grace's opinion to Dr. Eck, and have hitherto awaited his reply. Inasmuch as the said Dr. Eck has published a paper in which he not only challenges both of us, Carlstadt and me, but taunts us bitterly and perhaps already sings a song of triumph over us, which, as I perceive, concerns your Grace, therefore, it is now as formerly my humble prayer to your Grace, kindly to permit us to hold our debate. And as the affair has brought me danger to my life and much enmity, I pray your Grace for God's sake to give me a safe-conduct. For I must not venture to tempt God by despising human help, for which I requite your Grace with my humble prayer before God. Your Grace's humble chaplain,

Martin Luther, Augustinian at Wittenberg,

144. DUKE GEORGE OF SAXONY TO MARTIN LUTHER. Enders, ii. 27. German. Dresden, May 7, 1519.

Worthy, learned, dear and pious Sir! We have received your second letter and noted the contents. Considering that if you wish to debate with Dr. Eck, you must have his con- sent thereto, we previously announced to you that you should agree with him, and that when you and he together request a place for the said debate, we would give you a definite answer. We still remain of this opinion, but did not wish to let your letter lie unanswered.


Lutheri Opera latina varii argumenti. Erlangen. ii. 46a

Allen, iii. 577. Grimma, May 14, 1519.

Although we did not doubt, most learned Erasmus, that you would ascertain from our letter recently sent to you by Justus Jonas, that we were always most grateful for your affection for us, and especially for the dedication of Suetonius

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