Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/241

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was discredited by the fall of Sickingen, in May, 1523; and he died a lonely and broken exile. Life by David Friedrich Strauss, 4th ed, 1895 (English translation).

Some days ago, when I told you what I was writing, I asked to be informed what you were doing and whether you dared aught for the glory of the fatherland and the freedom of this nation to be redeemed from the Roman tyrants. Pray try something, and meantime let me know what it is, that I may refresh myself with hope. I dare not admit Luther as an ally in this attempt, on account of Elector Albert, who is persuaded rashly that the affair pertains to him, though I think otherwise and regret that this chance of signally avenging the fatherland has been taken from me. Even if I do nothing else meanwhile, I will do that, and per- chance more directly because by my own motion. Besides, Luther has in Melanchthon an author able to polish tus works. . . .

19a CROTUS RUBEANUS TO LUTHER. Enders, ii. 211. Bologna, October 31, 1519.

Greeting. At Rome Eck is celebrated as the victor of Leipsic. So much is one's own testimony worth, when peo- ple are already prejudiced in one's favor. I told them not to be too hasty with their judgment, lest Rome should again suffer that which she lately suffered with shame, when she awarded the Empire with certainty to the French King, al- though our princes elected Charles.* But let her have her own opinion as long as it is clear that all her decrees are not just. But it is folly both to decree the victory and to be in doubt about it. Eck sent a letter* to Rome, seen by very few besides the Pope and two theologians. While it was being secretly read, a certain physician who is my friend overheard it, and what he was able to retain in memory he communicated to me with fraternal faith. I report it to you, Martin, in the same confidential manner, asking you not to give it out lest It harm the physician. The epistle was divided into many headings, explaining the order of the debate at Leipsic, and telling the Pope what he ought to do. The bishops for

'On June 28, 1519, the electort chose Charles of Spain Emperor, the defeated candidate being Francis I. of France, supported by Leo X. •Lost.

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