Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/295

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prived me of all sense (which he may do in his excellent will), it will happen that the more they stir up this dung (so to speak), the more it will stink. I would not threaten so great and so many men, save that I grieve for and pity their shame, which they have irrevocably fixed on themselves by this edict, and because I desire to offer them the same terms in this matter that I desire for myself. I would not take all the wealth in the world to be found the author of such an edict. . . .

23a LUTHER TO GEORGE SPALATIN. Enders, ii. 331. (WnTENBERc), February 24, 1520.

Greeting. ... I believe the men of Stolpen^ will not keep quiet; perchance the Lord will do something through them which neither they nor I expect; in the meantime, let them find an interpreter of their pamphlet how they may. I have written the bishops' and am expecting an answer.

I do not remember about my Sermon on Good Works; as I have printed so much there is danger that I shall weary the buying public at length. I do not know the German Apology which you say is a supplement to the one printed at Nurem- berg. Send it along if you have it, so that I may see it. Let the Answer of the Unlearned Canon/ follow. . . .

Yesterday Matthew Adrian* sent me word by Dr. Conrad Konig," the son-in-law of Dr. Wolfgang Stehelin/ requesting an answer. I think I have answered him, but the letter has been lost. Konig also asked how much salary Adrian would require to teach Hebrew here. For he thought ninety or one

  • Supra, no. 227, note 2.

K)f Maycnce and Merseburg; Lather wrote them, at the elector'a saggestion. in answer to their charges against his Sermon on the Lord's Supper. Supr^, no. 222,

'A work of Oecolampadtus to support Luther against Eck.

  • A baptized Spanish Jew, a physician. He taught Hebrew at Baale, ^en at

Heidelberg, then (15 17) at the Collegium Trilingue at Louvain, then in Witten- berg, where he remained about a year (to February, 1521). Fuller references, Enders, ii. 223.

H)f Stuttgart, doctor of law, Dean of the faculty of arts at Wittenberg 1509,

and Rector 15 10.

<0f Rotheburg, came to Wittenberg from Tubingen in 1502; 1531-$ chancellor of Duke Henry of Saxony at Freiberg. Later against the Reformation. Enders, i. 190.

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