Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/304

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fession and love to God, if the zeal, honor, advantage and health of your profession and Congregation mean aught to you, that you should give all your care, study and thought to this one thing, that Martin may help you and at length come to himself, that with him our Order may be saved from great infamy and calamity. Farewell in the Lord/


Sanuto, xxviii. 215. Italian. Brown, iii. 28. English.

Rome, March 16, 152a Bragadin was ambassador to France 1526, to Rome 1535-7.

Nothing has been done about Martin save that all the theologians of Rome have debated together three times, in presence of the Cardinals of Ancona and Cajetan, discussing certain propositions of the said Martin, part of which were considered heretical, part scandalous.

All the generals of the orders have in like manner stated in writing their objections, and the reasons which cause them to remonstrate. It is now said that a decretal will be drawn up, reproving his said false propositions without naming him, but I think he will be admonished by a private breve and in- vited to retract, and should he not retract, but persevere in his obstinacy, they will proceed against him as a heretic.

239. LUTHER TO SPALATIN. Endcrs, iL 362. Wittenberg, March 19, 1520.

... I send you the work of the asses of Louvain and Cologne, which I am now answering in print.*

Please read John Huss* and return him. He not only pleases me, but both his spirit and learning seem to me mi-

XThts letter may have decided Staupitz to lay down his office of Vicar, as he did in AngiiBt, xsao. Luther writes on May s that Staupitz expects to do so.

The Condemnation of Luther's doctrine by Cologne (August 31, 1519)* *nd LouTain (NoTember 7), waa printed in February, isao, with a dedicatory epistle by Adrian, Cardinal of Tortosa, later Pope Adrian VI. Luther's answer appeared in IS 30, Weimar, tL 170.

SLuther now read Huss's De Ecclesia, sent him by Rozd'alowsky at the time of die I^tpaic debate {supra, no. i6i). The effect it made on him is best painted in a letter translated. Smith, op. cit., p. 72.

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