Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/458

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John Eck, who had fled from it, and threw out of the windows his servants and others whom they found there, thereby causing the death of one.*

The enclosed writings* were handed to the King* yesterday morning, but his Majesty, without looking at a word of them, publicly and at once tore them up.

Three days ago the Cardinal of Sion* spoke with some nobles about this Lutheran affair, and said that he feared after the departure of the Emperor these beasts would renounce obedience to Rome, and that the priests would suffer much. The worthy gentleman has spoken with many of these princes and has found almost all of them embittered against the Roman curia, only on account of things they have seen and heard, especially things done by Arcimboldi," who played a thousand useless tricks, and with the help of the cowl-bearers raked in all the money in sight. They are angry, too, at the grants made by the Roman Curia in disregard of previous privileges, and for many other reasons.

If a bishop seizes a priest to do justice on him, suddenly these monks come to light with their privileges, which they only need to make valid to take the priest from the bishop's hand. There are many other causes which have brought them to endure all these machinations of Martin, even though they see right well that he speaks pure nonsense. The worthy gentleman said that these things greatly displeased him, and in fact, since the preparation of a mandate against Luther has been assigned to him, to the Bishop of Trieste* and to

'This riot happened at Leipsic on September 29, 15J0.

'Luther's Offer and Protest is meant.

•/. e.. Emperor.

^Matthew Schinner, a Swiss, made Bishop of Sitten 1499, made Cardinal May 10, 1511; February, 1512, Bishop of Novara. A strong supporter of the Medicis, he had great influence with Leo X. He was ambassador to Henry VIII. in 1516; in 1521 he was sent to Switzerland to raise troops, with which the Pope was able to drive the French from Lombardy. In March, 1522, he nubmitted a scheme of reform to Adrian VI. He died October i, 1522. Pastor- Kerr: History of the Popes, vols, vi.-ix. Cf. further, P. S. Allen, op. cit., ii. 307.

  • John Angelo de Arcimboldi was the special commissioner for the indulirrnce

gftanted by Leo X. in 15141 for the ostensible purpose of building St. Peter's Church. Except the dioceses of Mayence and Magdeburg, which were reserved to Archbishop Albert, he was given the whole of Germany and Burprtindy nn the territory in which to sell papal pardons. He became Bishop of NovarA i5SS» Archbishop of Milan 1550, and died 1555. Cf. Pastor, History of the Popes.

cPeter Bonomo, Bishop of Trieste 1502-46.

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