Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/530

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451. ULRICH VON HUTTEN TO JUSTUS JONAS AT WORMS. Bocldng, iL 56. Ebernburg, April I7> 1521.

And so you also have followed the preacher of the gospel to be in his garden!^ O piety worthy of all love I Truly Justus, I loved you before, but on this account I now love you a hundred times more. They say that these fellows, see- ing that Martin is protected by the safe-conduct of the Em- peror, have turned their attention to you who share his curse. O prudent council, O clever men of the world ! This method would empty the Diet, for I doubt not that the greater part of those there agree with you. Would that I might be present and start some commotion or some tumult; but it is better to be quiet. May Christ thus bring it about that no violence may be done to him whom we would rather keep safe alive than avenge dead. Write me what is being done, and what you hope and fear. ... In haste, as Bucer is departing.



Kalko£E: Aleander, 168. Worms (April 17), 1521.

This morning early I had a talk with the confessor in order to give the necessary directions for our plan. Then in the palace where they had as yet come to no decision on any ques- tion, I arranged that the electors should be summoned before the Emperor at about two o'clock in the afternoon, and the other princes and estates at four, and that then Luther should appear simply to answer the questions put him and not to be heard further. I myself made the necessary arrangements, without however having our names appear, for we have al- ways acted according to the wording of the bull,' both because there is no other way for us to act and because this is the best for attaining our end.

An immense crowd greeted the appearance of the arch- heretic, who was questioned before the Emperor, Princes and Estates, in the name of the Emperor and Realm, as follows.

^Jonas followed Luther from Erfurt to Worma.

The position of the Curia was, of course, that Luther was already condemned and therefore had no right to be heard. For this reason the nuncios were not present at either of his appearances before the Diet

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