Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/587

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��Schaumburg, A. v^ 3J1. Schaumburg, S. v., 321, 339, 341.

Letter, 330f. Schenk, John, 134. Scheurl, C, 52, S7^f 6ofi^ 94f^ 1x5, 148. 155. i6sf., 295, 568.

Letters, 51, 53, 55, 62, 124, 142. Schinner, Matthew, Cardinal of Sion,

163. 453^.. 461, 477» S"9. 536, S53* Schleinitz, H. v., 252. Schlettstadt, 277.

Schleupner, D., 291, 342, 344, 468. Schleufingen, G., 37. Schmiedberg, H., 370, 393f^ 44^f**

449. Schneidpeck, J., 546.

Scholastica, St., 67. Schonberg, Nicholai v., 437. Schonberg, v. (see Hugwald, N.)«  Schoolmen, 41, 65, 78, 8if., 89, 1x9,

129, 180, 220, 426. Schott, J., 295, 523. Schurer, L., 277. Schurfl. J., 543, 557. Schwartzenberg, C. v., 563. Schwartzenberg, J. v., 563. Schwertfager, J., X3X. Sebastian, St., 67. Seligmann, M., 225 f., 30of. Sentences (see Lombard). Serralonga, U. de, 11 6f. Sickingen, F. v.» 275f., 278, 293f.,

StzU 325, 330, 34 x> 349» 39S» 397, 402, 4i3f., 4^8, 439. 443.

459^.. 470, 487. S"» 5i3» 515^-. $21, 535. 547. 555» 5^2, 564. Letter, 384!.

Sieberger, W., 57.

Sion, Cardinal of (see Schinner).

Solms, P. v., 276.

Spain, x6i, 164, 196, 511. Letter of the Governors and Grandees of, 5i4f.

Spalatin, G., 27fl., 31, 33, 37, 40, 42, 48fi., 55fT., 60, 63, 66 ff., 72fi,, 77* 79f-> 84f., I oof., io8f., 112, xj4ff., i22fi., I27f., 130, I34ff., i4ofi., X49H., i66f., 169-72, x88f!., I99f., 208-12, 2x8, 220, 223i¥.. 228, 237f., 245f., 2516., 257. 263f., 272ff., 277, 28of., 284-91, 294f-» a99f-, 30X, 305ff., 3i4f., 317, 320f., 325, 328f.,

332ff.. 336ff.. 339^.. 344ff-» 347ff-. 351, 353f.» 358, 362-8, 384ff., 388, 392ff.f 399f.» 4"f., 4i4f., 423f., 44aff., 445. 45if.» 465, 47af-. 484f., 493f-. 5o6f., 510, 535, 547» 552. 568f. Letters, 27, 32, 44, i37» 3o8, 38X, I

��404f., 449f., 489, 500, 5X2, 520.

Spengler, G., 364.

Spengler, L., 279f., 290, 364, 39Sf.

Spenlein, G., 33f.

Spires, (George, Bishop of, 5xx.

Standish, H., 322.

Staupitz, J. v., 2sf., 34, 37, 40, 46f^ 5 if., 55, 58, 62f., 78f, 84. 91. lox, X06, xo8ff.» 1x7, ii9ff., 134, X42, isi, 177, 191. ao7f., 214, 2i9ff.. 224, 26s, 276, 297£^-,3i5> 333» 351, 353, 362, 402» 44of,

451. 569. Letters, xx3, 437, 48X.

Luther's affection for, 22of.

Opinion of Luther, 437* 440. Stehelin, W., 290. Steinlausig, 569. Sternberg, 399. Stolberg, L. v., 485. Stolbcrg, W. v., 485. Stolpen, Bishop of, 285, 290. Strassburg, ixo, 332.

A printer of, 512.

William III, von Honstexn, Bishop of, 33a. 498. Stromer, H., X96, 228, 353, 369* 445-

Letter, 199. Sturm, C., 504, 508, 5x8f., 523, SS^f

562, 564. Sturz, G., letter, SX3f. Supplication against Tkeologs, 40. Swabia, 405. Swaven, P. v., 52 x, 523. Switzerland, X63, 224, 262,384,390^

405. Symler, J., 84.

Talmud, 238.

Tapper, R., 270.

Tartaretus, P., 81.

Taubenheim, J. v., 325, 370, 394f

443, 445, 449- Tauler, J., 41, 48, 56, 78, X46f. Teschius (see 2^schau). Tesseradecas, 212, 218, 257. Tetzel, J., 73, 75. 97. I39, 17«. ^7^

287, 570. Teutleben, V. v., 349. Theology, 24, 84, X29, 222.

Theses against Scholastic, 60. Theophilus, 206. Theophylact, X29. Thonamen, 38. Thunau, F., 523. Thuringia, 237. Tiepolo, N., 535f. Tischer, W., 37. Torgau, 265, 484. Toumay, Bishop of, 357f.

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