Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/65

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fore be not afraid; it is the Lord who does this. Praise and love him and pray him for this poor man and for me more devoutly. Farewell.

Brother Martin Luther, Augustinian.

37. LUTHER TO JOHN LANG AT ERFURT. Enders, i. loi. Wittenberg, July 16, 1517.

I am preparing six or seven candidates for the master's examination, of whom one, Adrian,^ is preparing theses to shame Aristotle, for whom I want to make as many enemies and as quickly as I can. . . .

38. LUTHER TO SPALATIN AT WITTENBERG. Enders, i. 105. (Wittenberg, end of August, 1517.)

Greeting. Do you and the confessor,* with his friend, come about nine o'clock.* If Christopher Scheurl, as ambassador/ is with you, let him come, too ; otherwise, I have asked Beck- mann to invite him. Farewell. Try to get some wine for us, for you know you are coming from the castle to the cloister, not from the cloister to the castle.

Brother Martin Luther.


Enders, i. 106. Wittenberg, September 4, 1S17.

Greeting. I have sent to you by Beckmann* my Theses against Scholastic Theology,^ and my sermons on the Ten Commandments,^ but I did not have time to write then, as his departure was announced to me suddenly. But I am

^Adrian of Antwerp, mentioned in the letter of October, 15 16, who died a martyr to the evangelic faith in isji. On the theses cf. infra, no. 39.

tjames Vogt. He and Spalatin were both attending the elector at the castle.

'Ten in the morning was the usual hour for the principal meal, supper being about five p. m. It must be remembered Luther and his contemporaries rose at four or five in the morning.

^It is not known what Scheurl's business At Wittenberg was. He had previoosly taught jurisprudence there.

&Who was now going to study at Erfurt

  • This was the disputation under Luther's presidency by Francis Giinther of

Nordhausen on his promotion to the first theoNogical degree (baccalaureus ad Biblia), held on the very day this letter was writtec Printed, Weimar, i. aai.

n'he Decern Praecepta IVittenbergerui praeiHcata popuio, sermons delivered from* the summer-of 1516 to Lent 1517* but. not printed until isiB, Weimar, L 394.

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