Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/84

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Enders, L 183. Coburg, April 15, 1518.

On April nth, Luther set out to attend the General Chapter of the Augustinians at Heidelberg, whither he had been summoned by Stau- pit2 at the request of the General Volta, in hopes of making him recant He did not do so, but resigned his office of District Vicar, to

Greeting. Dear Spalatin, I expect you have heard from our friend Pfeffinger* all that we said to each other when I met him at Judenpach. Among other things I was glad to have a chance to make a rich man a little poorer. For you know how pleased I am, whenever I can do it conveniently, to be a burden to the rich, especially when they are my friends. I took care that he should provide supper even for my two strange companions, which cost him ten grosschen apiece. Even now, if possible, I would make the elector's steward^ at Coburg pay for us; if he will not do so, still we shall live at the elector's expense. I have not yet seen the man, nor do I know whether I am to see him. For when we arrived in the evening very tired, we sent him the letters by a mes- senger. But he went late to the castle nor has he returned yet. I do not know why he did it ; perhaps he is too busy to take care of us. Urban himself, our messenger, remembers perfectly that he was ordered to go to Wiirzburg with us. But whether he comes or not with God's favor we shall continue our journey to-morrow.

Ever3rthing else is all right, by God's grace, except that I confess that I sinned in coming on foot. Since my contrition for this sin is perfect, and full penance has been imposed for it, I do not need an indulgence for it. I am terribly fatigued, but can find no vehicles free, and thus I am abund- antly, much, greatly and sufficiently contrite and penitent. . . .

Brother Martin Eleutherius.


Enders, L 185. Wurzburg, April 19, 1518.

Greeting. We arrived finally at Wiirzburg yesterday [Sun-

    • He WM probablf sent hj the elector to make sure that Luther would be

perfectly safe in going to Heidelberg.

"Perhaps Paul Bader whom Luther learned to know when in 1530 he spent six ■umths at the castle of Feste Coburg.

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