Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1521-1530.djvu/14

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ADB. — ^Allgemeine deutsche Biographie. 56 vols. Leipsic,

Allen — P. S. Allen: Opus Epistolarum Erasmi. 3 vols. Oxford. i9o6fF.

ARC — ^Archiv fiir Reformationsgeschichte.

Barge — ^Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt, von H. Barge. 2 vols. 1904.

Bcrgenroth — Calendar of letters, di^atches and state papers, relating to the negotiations between England and Spain. . . . edited by G. A. Bergenroth, P. de Gayangos and M. A. S. Hume. London. i862ff.

BU. — Biographie Gcnerale Universelle.

Buchwald, Wittenberger Briefe — Zur Wittenberger Stadt- tmd Universitakgeschichte in der Ref ormationszeit ; Briefe aus Wittenberg an M. Stephan Roth in Zwickau; hg. von G. Buchwald. Leipsic, 1893.

Brown — Calendar of state papers preserved in the archives of Venice, ed. R. Brown, G. C. Bentinck, H. F. Brown and A. B. Hinds. London. i864ff.

CR. — Corpus Reformatorum, Vols, i-io contain P. Melanth- onis Epistolae, ed. C. G. Bretschneider, Halis, 1834-42. Vols. 94ff. contain Zwinglis Brief wechsel, ed. E. Egli, G. Finsler and W. Kohler. Leipsic. iQiiflF.

DNB. — ^Dictionary of National Biography, ed. S. Lee. Lon- don. 1885-1901.

De Wette— Luthers Briefe, hg. von W. M. L. de Wette. Berlin. 1825-8. 5 vols.

De Wette-Seidemann — ^Luthers Briefe, Band vi, hg. von W. L* M. de Wette und J. K. Seidemann. Berlin. 1856.

Enders — ^Lathers Briefwechsel, bearbeitet von E. L. Enders. Vols. 1-15. i884ff. (Vols. I2ff. fortgesetzt von G. Kawerau.)

ERE. — Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, ed. J. Hast- ings.


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