Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1521-1530.djvu/561

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Luther to Valentine Forster, December 31, 1525. Th. St Kr., 1913, p. 294.

Luther to Z willing, January 2, 1526, ZKG., xxxiv, 13.

Luther to Link, June 29, 1526, Th. St. Kr., 1913, 295.

Philip of Hesse to Luther and Melanchthon, dated "at latest Sep- tember, 1526," Enders, v, 395. The date, September 3, is given by F. Kiich in Zeitschrift des Vereins fiir hessische Gcschichte, Neue Folge, XXX, i6iff. Line 91, for "den Hessen" read "dem Hessen." Heinrich Hesse, who matriculated at Wittenberg, 1526-7, is referred to. On him see ARC, iv, 1907, 316.

Gerbel to Luther, dated April 2, 1527, Enders, vi, 37. Should be dated not later than July, 1526, Th. St. Kr., 1897, p. 170.

Luther to the Council of Crossen, April 13, 1527. Jahrbuch fur Brandenburgische Kirchengeschichte, 9-10, 1914, pp. 382f.

Luther to Sever inus, October 6, 1527. On the addressee, Severinus Hypsilithus, cf. Qemen: Beitrage, i, 56.

Jonas to Luther, dated "January 3 (?), 1528," Enders, vi, 175. Dated "January 2" in Walch,* no. 11 72.

Luther to an Unknown, De Wette, iii, 354, Walch,* x, 1736, an<l registered xxia, no. 1247a. Why this is omitted in Enders I do not know.

Luther to Link, dated August 16, 1528, Enders, vi, 359. The date August 28 is gfiven in Weimar, xxvi, 534.

Luther to Brisger, dated "end of August, 1528," Enders, vi, 362. The date August 26 is given in Weimar, xxvi, 534.

Luther to Bernard von Mylen, September 2, 1528, ZKG., 1901, pp. 646f.

Luther to Melanhthon, dated November 30, 1528, Enders, vii, 28. Dated "November 26," Walch,* no. 1335.

Luther to Thiiring, dated November, 1528, Enders, vii, 3a This is really a postscript to the letter to Thiiring of March 7, 1528, Enders, vii, 64. ZKG., xxxii, 287.

Luther to Amsdorf, March 21, 1529, Enders, vii, 74, last line, for "Hessen" read "Gessen," i.e., Jessen, a town in Saxony. ARG., viii, 33, note 6.

Melanchthon to Jonas and Bugenhagen, March 23, 1529. The original owned by Mr. J. P. Morgan, of New York. This is published in Corpus Ref., i, col. 1042. There it is said that the original was in the Nuremberg Library.

Title to a garden bought by Luther from Balthasar Hayn, March 7, 1527, Th. St Kr., 1913, p. 522.

Under the title "Unbeachtete Briefstiicke Luthers," E. Komer pub- lishes two fragments from Luther's letters, which he thinks hitherto unnoticed. ARG., viii, 191 1, 39Sf. They are quoted in Erasmus Alber's Widder die verfluchte lere der Carlstader, 1553. Komer be- lieves the first fragment to come from a lost letter of Luther to Alber, October 3, 1526, and the other fragment from a later letter

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