��Demoniac Possession, 447^. Dene, T., 411. Dierck, V., 97. Dietrich, V., 5i8f.
Letter, 524£. Dispensations, 69. Doliator (vide Schroeder, J.). Dolzig, J. v., 21 if., 389. Dommitzsch, W., 179. Doring, C, 34, 38, 59, 140, 39^, 4^2. Draco (Drach), J., 27, 216. Du Chesne, W., 44. Diirer, A., 443 f. Dynamis {vide Strong). Eberbach, P., 176. Eck, J., 2i2f., 360, 465, 472. Education, i76f., 317, 384. {Vide
also Schools). Egmond. N., 97. Elner, G., 173. Emser, J., 184, 2i2f., 23of., 427.
New Testament, 427x1., 460, 5o6f. Emser, T., 36. Ende, N. v., 383. Enderisch, N., 403, 424. England, Lutheran Teaching in, 83,
281, 400, 445. Eoban Hess, 17511., 442f. Erasmus, Desiderius, 27 ^ 163, 23 5 f., 249ff., 256f., 259. 352, 361. 3^3* 368ff., 378, 393".. 469, 486.
Axioms, 27,
Colloquies, 266.
De hbero arbitrio, 249^., 252, 254flF., 265, 27 \i.
Hyperaspites, 366, 370, 4i5ff-» 420.
Institutio principis christiani, 197.
Luther's Opinion of, 56f., 124, 132, i9of., 204fT., 228f!t., 4i6f., 42of., 48if.
Melanchthon's Opinion of, 240,
253. 2SS, 370. 415. Modus orandi, 272, Opinion of Luther, 45f.» 97 f.,
137^.. 165!, I77f., I96ff., 232ff.,
252f., 265^., 36^, 469n. Paraphrases, 1901. Relation to Luther, 45. 56f., i36f.,
163, 228ff., 235f., 248ff., 265 ff. Spongia, 204^., 228f., 234. Views of Reform, 136ft., 163, 178,
252f., 265flf.
Letters, 44f.. 97f.. 136!!., i77f., i96ff., 232ft., 248ff., 2SofT., 2§2f., 265 flF., 368flF., ^93 ff.. Appendix. Erfurt, Student Riots in, 27, 1 1 sf . Esch, J., i94ff., 213. Eschaus, T., 38.
Eucharist, 6of., 87f.. I25f., 273 ff., 282, 302f., 361/., 371, 378ff., 40 if.. 466f., 471. Both Kinds in, 49f., 63, 78, 87,
160. Real Presence in, 60, i26f., 156, 159, 277U 345ff., 361, 430, 450, 454-
��(Vide also Sacramentarian Con- troversy and Marburg Collo- quy,)
Faber, F., 34.
Faber, J. {vide Constance). Faber, P., 463. Letter, 4631. Faith, 4011., 456. Faith, Justification by, 20of. Farel, W., 446. Feilitzsch, P. v., 153. Ferdinand of Austria, afterward
Emperor, 23, 158, 213, 224, 258,
271, 246, 302, 306. 336, 344.
422f., 427, 435, 44of., 466, 472.
480, 508, SI I. Letter, 3971. Fish, S., 445.
Fisher, J. {vide Rochester). Frederic II, Count Palatine. 109,
225. Freistadt, H. von der, 81. Frey, R., 498, 501. Fuchs, H., 37, 266. Fuchs, J., 176. Fuhrer, G., 226. Funk, U., 498, 501.
Gabriel, A.. 355. Gansfort, W., 135/. Gattinara. M., 312, 486. Gerbel, N., a6, 31, 65, i87ff., 274C 345, 45of. Letters, 31, 302. German Theology, The. 135. Ghinucci, J., Bishop ot Ascoli, 41,
313- Giberti, J. M.. 331.
Letters, 23 if., 486. Giustinian, L., 312. Glarean, H.
Letters, 43, 163. Glatz, C, 207, 258, 294.
Letter, 292f. Goch, J. Pupper of, i34#. Goltz, Laneta v., 180. Gonzaga {vide Mantua). Good Works, 2ooff., 456. Gottschalk oif Hervord {vide Grop). Grafendorf, J. v., 384. Greiffenlau {vide Treves). Grievances of the German Nation,
147- Grop, G., 155, 160. Gross, Ave, 180. Griinenberg, J., ^2, 411. Grumbach, Argula v., 125, ia8, 364. Gulden. J., 167. Gunthel, A., 329. Guidoto, V.
Letter, 307.
Hackett, J., 400.
Letter, 400. Hackfurt, L., 32. Hanlein, M., 294, 3XZ.
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