Transcript. The Nation articles on 'The Robert Hoe Library,' 'Beverly Chew and his Books' and 'The Harry Elkins Widener Stevenson Collection' were reprinted in pamphlet form.
The trade catalogues of sets of Kipling and Tennyson proved so helpful to collectors that he was induced to prepare similar descriptions of the first editions of Pope, Mark Twain, Meredith and Swinburne. These were privately printed for the owners of sets of books by these authors, which Livingston had been largely instrumental in enlarging. These led naturally to his assuming the task of completing 'The Chamberlain Bibliographies' of Longfellow and Lowell, which were based on the researches and notes of Jacob Chester Chamberlain of New York City, and printed by Mrs. Chamberlain as a memorial of his absorbing interest in American authors.
Livingston's appreciation of the point of view of scholars as well as that of book collectors had an opportunity for expression in the 'Bibliography of Charles and Mary Lamb,' printed in 1903 for J. A. Spoor of Chicago. Here also he demonstrated his ability to treat the dryest details of bibliography