Page:Lutzow The Old Town Hall of Prague.pdf/10

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THE OLD COUNCIL CHAMBER is also of great interest. The architecture is late Gothic and the room is decorated with the arms of the guilds of Prague. The very handsome paneled ceiling deserves notice.

From the East door of the old council chamber, we enter THE BURGHERS ROOM, which has an ancient wooden balcony looking on the marketplace. The ceiling is similar to that of the old council-hall. Under this room is an old dungeon where prisoners were often confined before being tried.

To the East of this part of the townhall is the CHAPEL, the oldest part of the whole building. It is considered one of the gems of Bohemian Gothic of the 14th century. It was built as already mentioned in 1338. The Gothic high windows are very fine.

At the side of the town hall which faces the TÝN church is the MAYOR’S HALL <Primátorská Síň> which contains an interesting collections of portraits of the mayor’s of Prague.