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To the twelve as food He meted
Forth Himself with His own hand.

4.At the Incarnate Word's high bidding
Bread to very flesh doth turn,
Wine becometh Christ's blood-shedding;
And if sense cannot discern,
Guileless spirits never dreading
May from faith sufficient learn.

And when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed in the Choir.

5.To the sacred Host inclining
In adoring awe we bend,
Ancient forms their place resigning
Unto rites of nobler end;
Faith the senses dark refining.
Mysteries to comprehend.

6.Sire and Son all power possessing,
God, to Thee all Glory be,
Might, salvation, honour, blessing,
Unto all eternity,
Holy Ghost from both progressing
Equal Glory be to Thee.
