Page:Lyra Davidica.djvu/71

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Spiritual Watchfulness.


FIrst take care thy self to rouse
From Sin's Sleep enchanting;
Torments great such heavy Brows
Will not long be wanting.
Least mishaps
And Death traps
Seize thee time mispending,
Unawares Offending.


Wake for Jesus otherwise
Cannot thee Enlighten.
Rouse thee e're the true Light flies
Which thy Lamp should brighten.
Grant he will
Graces still;
But bids us that have them
Look to him that gave them.


Watchful be left Satan's Craft
Should surprise thee sleeping.
Since his Darts more swift than shaft
Fly the Winds out stripping.
God let's all
Such Saints fall,
Into woes and weeping,
Who are guardless sleeping.


Lest the World should thee constrain,
Watch with fear and trembling;
Lest she to herself regain
Thee by her dissembling.
Strict Watch set;
And ne'er let
Treach'rous Conversation
Int' Association.