Page:Lyra heroica.djvu/154

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��Come as the winds come when

Forests are rended, Come as the waves come when

Navies are stranded : Faster come, faster come,

Faster and faster, Chief, vassal, page and groom,

Tenant and master.

Fast they come, fast they come;

See how they gather ! Wide waves the eagle plume

Blended with heather. Cast your plaids, draw your blades,

Forward each man set! Pibroch of Donuil Dhu,

Knell for the onset !

���'WHY sitt'st thou by that ruined hall, Thou aged carle so stern and grey?

Dost thou its former pride recall, Or ponder how it passed away ? '

'Know'st thou not me? ' the Deep Voice cried;

'So long enjoyed, so often misused, Alternate, in thy fickle pride,

Desired, neglected, and accused !

�� �