Page:Lyra heroica.djvu/233

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And with a voice that was full of glee, He answered, 'Ere long we will launch A vessel as goodly, and strong, and staunch, As ever weathered a wintry sea ! '

And first with nicest skill and art,

Perfect and finished in every part,

A little model the Master wrought,

Which should be to the larger plan

What the child is to the man,

Its counterpart in miniature;

That with a hand more swift and sure

The greater labour might be brought

To answer to his inward thought.

And as he laboured, his mind ran o'er

The various ships that were built of yore,

And above them all, and strangest of all,

Towered the Great Harry, crank and tall,

Whose picture was hanging on the wall,

With bows and stern raised high in air,

And balconies hanging here and there,

And signal lanterns and flags afloat,

And eight round towers, like those that frown

From some old castle, looking down

Upon the drawbridge and the moat.

And he said with a smile, 'Our ship, I wis,

Shall be of another form than this ! '

It was of another form, indeed; Built for freight, and yet for speed, A beautiful and gallant craft;

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