Page:Lyra heroica.djvu/239

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And around it columns of smoke, upwreathing,

Rose from the boiling, bubbling, seething

Caldron that glowed,

And overflowed

With the black tar, heated for the sheathing.

And amid the clamours

Of clattering hammers,

He who listened heard now and then

The song of the Master and his men :

'Build me straight, O worthy Master, Staunch and strong, a goodly vessel,

That shall laugh at all disaster,

And with wave and whirlwind wrestle ! '

With oaken brace and copper band,

Lay the rudder on the sand,

That, like a thought, should have control

Over the movement of the whole;

And near it the anchor, whose giant hand

Would reach down and grapple with the land,

And immovable and fast

Hold the great ship against the bellowing blast!

And at the bows an image stood,

By a cunning artist carved in wood,

With robes of white, that far behind

Seemed to be fluttering in the wind.

It was not shaped in a classic mould,

Not like a Nymph or Goddess of old,

Or Naiad rising from the water,

But modelled from the Master's daughter!

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