Page:Lyra heroica.djvu/317

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Brim the horn ! a health is drunk,

Now, that shall keep going : Life is but the pebble sunk,

Deeds, the circle growing ! Fill, and pledge the Head of Bran!

While his lead they follow, Long shall heads in Britain plan

Speech Death cannot swallow.

George Mercditk.



YE shall know that in Atli's feast-hall on the side that joined the house

Were many carven doorways whose work was glori- ous

With marble stones and gold-work, and their doors of beaten brass :

Lo now, in the merry morning how the story cometh to pass !

While the echoes of the trumpet yet fill the people's ears,

And Hogni casts by the war-horn, and his Dwarf- wrought sword uprears,

All those doors aforesaid open, and in pour the streams of steel,

The best of the Eastland champions, the bold men of Atli's weal:

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