Page:Lyra heroica.djvu/325

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Then clear the song of Gunnar goes up to the dusky

roof, And the coming spear-host tarries, and the bearers

of the woe Through the cloisters of King Atli with lingering

footsteps go.

But Hogni looketh on Gudrun, and no change in

her face he sees, . And no stir in her folded linen and the deedless

hands on her knees: Then from Gunnar 's side he hasteheth; and lo! the

open door, And a foeman treadeth the pavement, and his lips

are on Atli's floor, For Hogni is death in the doorway: then the

Niblungs turn on the foe, And the hosts are mingled together, and blow cries

out on blow.


Still the song goeth up from Gunnar, though his harp to earth be laid ;

But he fighteth exceeding wisely, and is many a warrior's aid,

And he shieldeth and delivereth, and his eyes search through the hall,

And woe is he for his fellows,as his battle-brethren fall;

For the turmoil hideth little from that glorious folk- king's eyes,

And o'er all he beholdeth Gudrun, and his soul is waxen wise,

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