Page:Lyra heroica.djvu/332

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The doomed ship strives its utmost with mid-ocean's

mastery, And the tall masts whip the cordage, while the

welter whirls and leaps, And they rise and reel and waver, and sink amid

the deeps :

So before the little-hearted in King Atli's murder-hall Did the glorious sons of Giuki 'neath the shielded

onrush fall : Sore wounded, bound and helpless, but living yet,

they lie Till the afternoon and the even in the first of night

shall die.

William Morris.



Is life worth living? Yes, so long

As Spring revives the year, And hails us with the cuckoo's song,

To show that she is here; So long as May of April takes,

In smiles and tears, farewell, And windflowers dapple all the brakes,

And primroses the dell; While children in the woodlands yet

Adorn their little laps With ladysmock and violet,

And daisy-chain their caps; While over orchard daffodils

Cloud-shadows float and fleet,

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