Page:Lyrics of Lowly Life Dunbar (1896).djvu/33

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Lyrics of Lowly Life.

Him dat built de gread big mountains hollered
out de little valleys,
Him dat made de streets an' driveways wasn't
shamed to make de alleys.

We is all constructed diff'ent, d'ain't no two of
us de same;
We cain't he'p ouah likes an' dislikes, ef we 'se
bad we ain't to blame.
Ef we 'se good, we need n't show off, case you
bet it ain't ouah doin'
We gits into su'ttain channels dat we jes' cain't
he'p pu'suin'.

But we all fits into places dat no othah ones
could fill,
An' we does the things we has to, big er little,
good er ill.
John cain't tek de place o' Henry, Su an' Sally
ain't alike;
Bass ain't nuthin' like a suckah, chub ain't
nuthin' like a pike.