Page:MU KPB 012 The Tempest - Illustrated by Rackham.pdf/180

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Beats as of flesh and blood; and, since I saw thee,
The affliction of my mind amends, with which,
I fear, a madness held me: this must crave,
An if this be at all, a most strange story.
Thy dukedom I resign and do entreat
Thou pardon me my wrongs. But how should Prospero
Be living and be here?


Be living and be here? First, noble friend,
Let me embrace thine age, whose honour cannot
Be measured or confined.


Be measured or confined. Whether this be
Or be not, I ’ll not swear.


Or be not, I ’ll not swear. You do yet taste
Some subtilties o’ the isle, that will not let you
Believe things certain. Welcome, my friends all!
[Aside to Sebastian and Antonio.] But you, my brace
of lords, were I so minded,
There could pluck his highness’ frown upon you
And justify you traitors: at this time
I will tell no tales.


[Aside.] The devil speaks in him.


[Aside.] The devil speaks in him. No.
For you, most wicked sir, whom to call brother
Would even infect my mouth, I do forgive