Page:MU KPB 012 The Tempest - Illustrated by Rackham.pdf/195

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This is as strange a maze as e’er men trod;
And there is in this business more than nature
Was ever conduct of: some oracle
Must rectify our knowledge.


Must rectify our knowledge. Sir, my liege,
Do not infest your mind with beating on
The strangeness of this business; at pick’d leisure
Which shalt be shortly, single I ’ll resolve you,
Which to you shall seem probable, of every
These happen’d accidents; till when, be cheerful
And think of each thing well. [Aside to Ariel.] Come hither, spirit:
Set Caliban and his companions free;
Untie the spell. [Exit Ariel.] How fares my gracious sir?
There are yet missing of your company
Some few odd lads that you remember not.

Re-enter Ariel, driving in Caliban, Stephano and Trinculo, in their stolen apparel.


Every man shift for all the rest, and let no man take care for himself; for all is but fortune. Coragio, bully-monster, coragio!


If these be true spies which I wear in my head, here's a goodly sight.


O Setebos, these be brave spirits indeed!
How fine my master is! I am afraid
He will chastise me.