Page:MU KPB 016 Arthur Rackham's Book of Pictures.pdf/47

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No. 34, Fog, was designed and sent as an apology; the artist and his wife (the supplicating couple in the lower left-hand corner) having been frustrated by fog in obeying the invitation of some friends to “a spree of sorts.”

Nos. 1, 3, 6, 9, 30, 32, 41 and 43 began as “Langham Sketches”; Nos. 9, 30, 41 and 43 being “Langham Sketches” virtually untouched. Now for the reader ignorant—as was I, a while ago—what a “Langham Sketch” may be, let the following explanation be provided: The “Langham Sketch Club”—adorned in its time, which is not yet over, by a large number of very respectable draughtsmen and by some very famous ones, such as Fred Walker and Charles Keene—is a gathering of artists who meet on Friday evenings;