Page:MacGrath--The drums of jeopardy.djvu/162

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The Drums of Jeopardy

Cutty came to a standstill. "I paid for it, didn't I?"

"Sure. But what's this about the drums of jeopardy?"

"Two great emeralds I'm hunting for," explained Cutty, recalling the man who stood on London Bridge and peddled sovereigns at two bits each, and no buyer.

"Can it! Can it!" jeered the reporter. "Be a good sport and give us the tip. Strike call among the city engineers?"

"I'm telling you."

"Like Mike you are!"

"All right. It's the word to tie up the surface lines, like Newark, if you want to know. Now, get t' hell out o' here before I hand you one on the jaw!"

The reporter backed away. "Is that on the level?"

"Call up the barns and find out. They'll tell you what's on. And listen, if you follow me, I'll break your head. On your way!"

The reporter dashed for the elevator—and back to the doorway in time to see Cutty legging it for the Subway. As he was a reporter of the first class he managed to catch the same express uptown.

On the way uptown Cutty considered that he had accomplished a shrewd bit of work. Karlov or one of his agents would certainly see that advertisement; and even if Karlov suspected a Federal trap he would