v. 24. Craig continues the quotation to the end of the line. (F1 has no quotation-marks)
II. i. 55. towards (F1): toward
ii. 37. sleeve (F1): sleave
59. here? (F1): here!
iii. 7. enow (F1): enough
iv. 6. Threatens (F1): Threaten
28. will (F1): wilt
III. i. 75. Murderers (Murth., F1): First Mur.
115, 139. Murderers (Murth., F1): Sec. Mur.
123. Who (F1): Whom
ii. 32. Craig and F1 have a comma after 'while'
iv. 45. company? (F1): company.
78. time has: times have (F1 times has)
124. Augures (F1): Augurs
IV. i. 2. comma after 'Thrice' is in F1: omitted by Craig
3. Harpier (F1): Harper
10, 20, 35. second comma is in F1: omitted by Craig
97. Rebellious dead (F1): Rebellion's head
ii. 81. shag-ear'd (F1): shag-hair'd
iii. 15. discern: deserve (F1 discerne)
214. medicines (F1): medicine
V. i. 28. are (F1): is
32, 33. known her continue (F1): known her to continue
iii. 21. disease: disseat (F1 dis-eate)
35. moe (F1): more
v. 34. toward (F1): towards