the movement cure specific is a relief of a very different kind. The sense of a slight insufficiency in the allowance of life-air still remains, but the lungs move at ease, the obstructive difficulty appears to have been remedied by a direct removal of the cause.
Exercise No. 10 will relieve the feeling of oppression in abdominal congestions and various gastric troubles. May be prescribed to advantage during the spasms following the paroxysm of a congestive chill. "Artificial respiration," as physicians call it, may be effected by moving the arms in a similar manner, as for the revival of half-drowned persons.
Exercise No. 11 is a modification of No. 2 in cases where patient is unable to turn over on his side. Will react on the muscles of the hips and spine and benefit invalids incapable of any other exercise.
Exercise No. 12 is a movement tending to stimulate the action of the intestines, and helping to prevent derangements of the digestive process. Has been tested in seasickness with results that have been explained by the conjecture that it counteracts the anti-peristaltii movements of the bowels—in plainer words the tendency of