Seem'd to invite those thrusts they most decline,Receive and then returne in one true line:As if, all Archymedes science wereIn duell both express'd, and better'd there.Each strove the others judgement to surpasse;Stood stiffe, as if their postures were in brasse.But who can keepe his cold wise temper long,When honours warmes him, and his blood is young?Those subtle figures, they in judgement choseAs guards secure, in rage they discompose:Now Hazard is the play, Courage the Maine,Which if it hits at first, assur's the gaine:But Honor throwes at all; and in this strife,When Honor playes, how poore a stake is life?Which soone (alas!) the adverse Second found;Made wise, by the example of a wound:But Gamsters wisdome ever comes too late;So deare 'tis bought, of that false Merchant Fate:For our bold Second by that wound had woneThe treasure of his strength; whilst quite undone,He shrunke from this unlucky sport: but nowMore angry wrinckles on his Rivals brow