This when their Campe beheld, they strait abjureThat pitty in their vow; which to secureThe publique bloud, ventur'd their hopes, and fame,On Two, cause they could dye, were censur'd tame:And to exhort, such vex'd, and various Minds,Were in a storme, to reconcile the Winds,With whisper'd precepts of philosophy;Armes, and Religion, seldome can comply.Their faith they break, and in a Body drawTheir looser strength, to give the Victors law. Charge! charge! the battaile is begun! and nowI saw, thy Vncles anger in thy brow:Which like Heavens fire, doth seldom force assume,Or kindle till tis fit, it should consume:Heavens slow, unwilling fire; that would not fall,'Till Two injurious Cities seem'd to callWith their loud sinnes; and when t'was time it mustDestroy; although it was severely justTo those, so much perverted in their will;The righteous saw the fire, yet fear'd no ill.So carelesse safe, here all the Natives were,Who stood, as if too innocent to feare.