Page:Magdalen, or, The history of a reform'd prostitute.pdf/2

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M A G D A L E N, &c.

———Your bounty is beyond my speaking:
But tho' my mouth be dumb, my heart shall thank you.
And when it melts before the throne of mercy,
My fervent soul shall breathe forth prayers for you;
That heav'n will pay you back, when most you need;
The grace and goodness you have shown to me.



THOUGH I can scarcely hope that my mean & unadorned essay can be worthy a place in your paper, yet I am prompted so strongly by gratitude, that I must make the attempt; and should esteem it particularly kind, if you would enable me to spread as extensively as I can my present felicity, and the blessed source of it.

Without further preface, Sir, I must inform you that I am one of those, who owe life, salvation, happiness; every comfort and every hope, to that happy place the Magdalen-House. Believe me in what I deliver; for I do assure you in the most solemn manner, that it is the strictest truth. I was amongst