Page:Magdalen, or, The history of a reform'd prostitute.pdf/5

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place offered tolerably advantageous, and he would recommend me. I desired his, and our incomparable matron's advice; and in consequence of that, have accepted it. I was fitted out with all things proper and decent, much beyond my wish or expectation; and am happily situated with a worthy lady, whole amiable behaviour makes me perfectly blest; and be satisfied, my whole study shall be to please her; and to shew myself sensible of those divine mercies which I have experienced, in the deliverance of both body and soul from death.

Now, Sir, all I wish is, that this may be known for the satisfaction of those concerned in this noble charity: whose humane breasts it must fill with pleasure, to think they have redeemed a poor girl from the depth of misery: a girl not yet twenty: who lives happy and peaceful through their bounty; lives to pray for and to bless them every day! May the Lord of heaven crown them with all their hearts wishes: and increase the number of those daily, who are friends to this glorious design. To the advantages of which, not myself only, but numbers already are witnesses. Polly *** is a comfortable instance. This charity has saved her poor mother's life: with whom she now lives: and I would fain have persuaded her to write to you. I believe I should have deferred it myself, something longer, if it had