Page:Magic book, or, The whole art of ledgeremain.pdf/10

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The Paper Oracle.

Some amusement may be obtained among young people, by writing with common ink, a variety of questions, on different bits of paper, and adding a pertinent reply to each, written with nitro-muriat of gold. The collection is suffered to dry, and put aside till an opportunity offers for using them. When produced, the answers will be invisible; you desire different persons to select such questions as they may fancy, and take them home with them; you then promise, that if they are placed near the fire during the night, answers will appear beneath the questions in the morning; and such will be fact, if the papers be put in any dry, warm situation.

The Cut Lace joined.

Conceal a piece of lace in your hand; then produce another piece of the same pattern; double the latter, and put the fold between your fore-finger and thumb, with the piece which you have concealed, doubled in the same manner; pull out a little of the latter, so as to make a loop, and desire one of the company to cut it asunder. If you have conveyed the concealed piece of lace,