Page:Magic book, or, The whole art of ledgeremain.pdf/18

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ladies, by a clever performance of this trick. It is most frequently performed by a female, but the effect of it is considerably increased when it is displayed by a boy. A piece of calico, muslin, or linen, is taken in the left hand, a needle is threaded in the presence of the spectators,and the usual, or even a double or treble knot made at the extremity of one of the ends of it. The operator commences his work by drawing the needle and the thread in it quite through the linen, notwithstanding the knot, and continues to make several stiches in like manner successively.

The mode of performing this seeming wonder, is as follows; a bit of thread, about a a quarter of a yard long, is turned once round the top of the middle fingerof the right hand, upon which a thimble is then placed to keep it secure. This must be done privately, and the thread kept concealed, while the needle is threaded with a bit of thread of a similar length. The thread in the needle must have one of its ends drawn up nearly close, and be concealed between the fore finger and thumb; the other should hang down nearly as long, and by the side of the thread which is fastened under the thimble, so that these two may appear to be the two ends of the thread. The end of the piece that is fastened under the thimble is then knotted, and the performer