Page:Magic book, or, The whole art of ledgeremain.pdf/3

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How to cut a Man's Head off, and put the
Head into a plate a yard from his Body

This is a noble action if it be handled by a skilful hand. To show this feat of execution you must cause a board, a cloth, and a plate to be purposely made, and in each of them to be made holes fit for a body’s neck: the board must be made of two planks, the longer and broader the better; there must be left within half a yard of the end of each plank, half a hole, so as both the planks being thrust together, there may remain two holes like the holes in a pair of stocks; there must be made likewise a hole in the cloth, a plate also must be set directly over or upon one of them, having a hole in the middle thereof, of the like quantity, and also a piece cut off the same as big as his neck, through which his head may