Page:Magic pill, or, Davie and Bess (4).pdf/7

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A love intenser far than ever,
Yet durstna mint to seek her favour,
While mirk despair, remorse and sorrow,
His very inmost heart did harrow,
Hc curst his fate thus anguish torn
The weddin' left to shun her scorn,
An' never woo'd anither lass,
For his thoughts center'd a' on Bess
Auld Nanse 'bout six weeks after this
Manoeuvre o' her doghter Bess,
Trudged to the town to ca' and tell
Her famous doctor what befel,
An' by gude luck she gat him snug
Alane by his room chimly lug.
"Wow, Nanse," quo' he, "I hope ye fe weel,
How manag'd Bessie wi' the Pill?"
"O rate!" quo' she, "the Pill did gran',
Losh keep us! ye're an unco' man!
For siç a wondrous cantrip flight,
Ye surely ha'e the second sight!
The like o' you can laugh at evils,
At warlocks, witches, ghaists and devils!
Ye ken the gate to shun and flie them,
While like o' me maun warsle wi' them;
I trow, ye soon gart Davie yammer,
An' do's ye liket wi' your glamour.
"Bess, wi' a courage unexpecket,
In a' things did as ye direcket,
I saw mysel'-nought was mislippen'd,
An' ilka thing wi' wish has happen'd.-
Whane'er Ire gat the Pill at ance
It dang him dumb, and drave him thence.
Some days thereafter he cam' cringin'
To Bess, an' begg'd her pardon whingin',
Tald her his mind wi' luve was racket,
That he wad live and die distracket,
If she refus'd to be his marrow,
An' mak' an end o' a' his sorrows

To short, less than a month they tarried,