Page:Maharashtra Anti-Superstition and Black Magic Act.pdf/6

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(See section 2(1)(b))

(1) Under the pretext of expelling the ghost, assaulting by tying a person with rope or chain, beating by stick or whip, to make the person drink footwear soaked water, giving chili smoke, hanging a person to roof, fixing him with rope or by hair or-plucking his hair, causing pain by way of touching heated object to organs or body of a person, forcing a person to perform sexual act in the open, practicing inhuman acts, putting urine or human excreta forcibly in the mouth of a person or practicing any such acts.

(2) Display of so-called miracles by a person and thereby earning money; and to deceive, defraud and terrorize people by propagation and circulation of so-called miracles.

(3) With a view to receive blessings of supernatural power, to follow the inhuman, evil and aghori practices which cause danger to life or grievous. hurt; to instigate, encourage or compel others to. follow such practices.

(4) Doing any inhuman, evil and aghori act and black magic in search of precious things, bounty, and water resources or for similar reasons in the name of karni, bhanamati and making or trying to make human sacrifice in the name of jaran-maran or the like, or to advice, instigate or encourage committing such inhuman acts.

(5) To create an impression by declaring that a power inapprehensible by senses has influenced one’s body or that a person has possessed such power and. thereby create fear in the mind of others or to threaten others of evil consequences for not following the advice of such person or deceive, defraud and deter him.

(6) By making the persons believe that a particular person practices karni, black magic or brings under the influence of ghost or diminishes the milching capacity of a cattle by mantra-tantra or similarly accusing a particular person that he brings misfortune to others or is a cause for spread of diseases and thereby making the living of such person miserable, troublesome or difficult; to declare a' person as saitan or incarnation of saitan.

(7) In the name of jaran-maran, karni or chetuk, assaulting any person, parading him naked or put a ban on his daily activities.

(8) To create a panic in the mind of public in general by way of invoking ghost or mantras, or threaten to invoke ghost, creating an impression that there is ghostly or wrath of a power inapprehensible by senses causing physical injuries and .preventing a person from taking medical treatment and instead diverting him to practice inhuman, evil and aghori acts or treatment, threatening a person with death or causing physical pains or causing financial harm by practicing or tend to practice black magic or inhuman act.

(9) Prohibiting and preventing a person from taking medical treatment in case of dog, snake or scorpion bite and instead giving him treatment like mantra-tantra, ganda-dora or such other things.