its head, and loosed it from her open fingers. The arrow struck within the ring of gold, so close to that of the victorious forester that the points were in contact and the feathers were intermingled. Great acclamations succeeded, and the forester led Matilda to the dance. Sir Ralph gazed on her fascinating motions till the torments of baffled love and jealous rage became unendurable, and approaching young Gamwell, he asked him if he knew the name of that forester who was leading the dance with the Queen of the May?
"Robin, I believe," said young Gamwell carelessly, "I think they call him Robin."
"Is that all you know of him?" said Sir Ralph.
"What more should I know of him?" said young Gamwell.
"Then I can tell you," said Sir Ralph, "he is the outlawed earl of Huntingdon, on whose head is set so large a price."